Jennifer Blood #9A
Dynamite Entertainment
In Sammlung
- The Sound of the Atom Splitting
US Comic   $ 6.40
Gelesen: Ja (Juni 2013)

Texter Al Ewing
Zeichner Eman Casallos
Kolorierung (Colorist) Inlight Studio
Schrift (Letterer) Rob Steen
Titelbild-Zeichner Timothy Bradstreet
Herausgeber/Lektor Joseph Rybandt

Weitere Einzelheiten
Reihe Jennifer Blood
Genre Action, Family Ties
Barcode 725130182142
Veröffentlichungsdatum Februar 2012

Persönliche Details
Besitzstand In Sammlung

Eintrag vollständig Nein
Covers: Tim Bradstreet (main), Al? Garza (1-in-15) Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Kewber Baal Jen's enemies get a little too close, Jack gets a little too crazy and it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. How far is Jen really prepared to go to keep her revenge from wrecking her life, and what happens when the people she loves get in the way? Also: Meet Nathan Lazarr. He can smell the fear in your face at the thought of his ultra warriors.
