Boom! Studios
In Sammlung
US Paperback   $ 23.90
Gelesen: Ja (April 2023) 256 Pages

After being banished from their Orcish village by King Hrograhgah, Bog and his misfit crew venture out into the Known World to seek their fortune, and hopefully find their way back home again. Tag along with Bog, Zep, Pez, Utzu, and Gurh as they venture through the dreaded Eerieasallhel Forest, face off against trolls, gnomes, squirrels and more, and follow in the footsteps of the legendary Orc hero, Drod One-Eye!
Texter Christine Larsen
Zeichner Christine Larsen
Titelbild-Zeichner Christine Larsen

Weitere Einzelheiten
Reihe Orcs!
Genre Fantasy
Farbe Farbig
Barcode 9781684156719
Land USA
Sprache English
Veröffentlichungsdatum November 2021

Persönliche Details
Besitzstand In Sammlung

Eintrag vollständig Ja
Abgeschlossen Ja
Digital Version Ja
Mit Skizzen und Covergallery.

Titel Mitarbeiter
Orcs! #01 Christine Larsen
Orcs! #02 Christine Larsen
Orcs! #03 Christine Larsen
Orcs! #04 Christine Larsen
Orcs! #05 Christine Larsen
Orcs! #06 Christine Larsen